The steps to attaining financial success is a slippery slop but the right tools and knowledge makes it easier. Today we set out to find the best personal finance podcasts you should Listen to and this is what we found.
Before we dive in you should by now know that listening to good sound, creates a new sub consciousness for your body and listening to good personal finance podcasts creates in you the right skills to help you improve your finances. Let’s dive in
Best Personal Finance Podcasts you should Listen to

Side Hustle Pro
This is one of the best personal finance podcasts online. Hosted by Mathews Nicalia. One unique thing about this podcast is it’s focus on successful black women, who have shown resilient traits and made 6 figures from their side hustles.
Nicalia shares their experiences and resolutions. She is all about helping people start their own businesses in their desired passion.
Would say for a truth that Side Hustle Pro is one of the best personal financial podcast. She has made some courses that can be help listeners and readers develop themselves and their businesses. These courses range from increase your productivity (which helps to manage a job and a side hustle), to master the Gram (which teaches business owners how to retain customers). I would personally recommend her series “How Black women can Build legacy”.
Millennial Investing
This Podcast aims to create financial literacy. The host Robert Leonard interviews business owners and leaders in diverse industries with the sole aim to inspire listeners to make better financial choices.
His podcast covers a wide range of topics listing from personal finance to stock market investing and property market. He manages to break the he elaborate wall around finance so a layman cam understand. Each episode is about 50minutes and you should enjoy it.
DIY Money
Daiel Czulno and Quint Tatro the creators, take 15minutes look into personal finance. They handle a vast range of topics, from tax implications, marital finances, insurance and debts. This is one of the best finance podcasts for young adults because it is practical and informative with casual conversation style which keeps you in tune. if you are looking for a 15-20minute takeaway podcast, then DIY MONEY is for you.
The Rich Dad Radio Show
Robert Kiyosaki, a big name when it comes to the investment world, you’ve probably heard his name some where. Yes, he is the author of Rich Dad Poor Dad.
He is known for his lack of enthusiasm towards mainstream financial advice. A 45Minute Long episode where he shares his views on finding successful investments.
He discusses about economics, business and personal development. If you enjoyed his book, then you will surely enjoy his podcast.

Afford Anything
Hosted by Paula Pint, this podcast helps listeners get a feel that while you can’t afford everything, you can afford anything. She helps listeners focus on their highest prioritized goals and create steps to achieving them, she took lessons from her life to write a book, which later became a blog and eventually a podcast. She centers her perspective on minding the gap (the amount of money you have after you pay your expenses) She has over 240 episodes which runs about 15Minutes. Catch up on Afford Anything Podcasts here.
Smart Passive Income(SPI)
This is an awesome resource created by Pat Flynn which centers on teaching you how to run an online business and optimize it to generate constant income. He based his podcast on his own successes and failures, he really aims to help people develop passive income and avoid scams or get-rich-quick-schemes. Recent episodes includes information on how marketers are returning to email to grow their businesses and how to use your accomplishments to boost your confidence.
What goes up
This is one of the best personal finance podcasts. Creators Mike Regan and Sarah Ponczck share experiences on financial theories and logic. This personal finance Podcast airs every week and has over 118 episodes, they invite experts on financial issues to educate listeners on financial services to get, factor that drives global market nd advice on stocks, bonds and currencies. They breakdown big terms on wall Street market for you to comprehend, I will suggest this episode “The melt-up After the melt down. Here’s a link
Odd lot
Bloomberg Joe Wiesenthal and Tracy Alloway discuss latest and up to date economic news. It is well explained and easy to follow. Yes, they interview some credible financial expert on a broad range of topics that are relevant to you and the economy, each episode is about 45minutes.
Couple Money Podcast
Here we go, something for the married people, we know one of the biggest issue for some marriages is finance. Creator Elle Martinez examines ways to work as a team in marriage to get out of debt, build a financially stable life and create future investment together.
She discuss everything from how to stop financial arguments to how to set big financial goals together. Each episode is about 20minute long it is hands down my best personal finance podcasts for folks in relationships/marriages.
How to money
The last but not the least best personal finance podcasts on our list and of course one of the best personal finance podcasts. The creators Joel and Matt include listeners in straight forward conversations, yep, that’s what makes this podcast unique. They talk about all things money. what is refreshing is the simplicity of their explanations about money content. It’s actionable in everyday life. They have casual approach to some serious topics that if applied, could set you straight up the financial ladder. Each episode on the podcast run for about an hour and they release new episodes twice a week.
I hope this list of best personal finance podcasts will help you build financial independence, listening daily to a personal financial podcast will help you be more conscious of your finances everyday, invest better, buy wisely and most especially create better financial habits.
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