Summer nails are undoubtedly the best. Let me tell you why. Life is busy, we all have places to be and things to get done almost all the time that getting a manicure, of all things, is a luxury a lot of people can’t afford. Sarah is not an exemption.
Sarah works all weekdays as a secretary, glued to the computer with her fingers clicking the keyboard and forming a rhyme already. Typing, for someone like Sarah, who has to do it all day long, is very stressful and does very little help for her hands, back, and fingernails especially. When her fingernails are long, it’s dirty, and even when it’s short, they just never fit and are always out of shape.
People at her place of work always seem to notice her fingernails as she types on the desk. She never would have thought it could be so obvious that it’s unkept. Plus, Sarah goes home on weekends to do chores that involves dipping her hands into the water like washing the dishes, mopping the home and doing laundry. And yet, without gloves. Then, she sighs “ohhh, gosh!” Again and again. Sarah has to really pay attention to her manicure and thank goodness summer is here.
Summer! That word creates a great bundle of joy in the hearts of everyone. Summer is the hottest and best season of the year to go on long vacations.
Summer vacation is always fun for everyone as they get a chance to enjoy and explore round, go to the beach and catch premium cruise. This is the best season to take very good care of your nails and wear those glowing long, shiny nails as you’ve always wished to but some how never had time to.
Summer nails can be bold, colourful and chic at the same time, whether long or short. Summer nails are…oh so eye-catching and easy to fix. The perfect summer nails colours includes: white, red, pink, yellow, green, purple, orange, blue, gold with cute shades of designs in-between.
Here are 30 Summer Nails Inspiration this 2021.
Summer nails are supposed to be fun, colourful, bold, they ought to make the statement of the season. Don’t go for boring nails when you can get trendy summer nails inspirations.
Here are some more amazing nails inspirations and nails ideas for you.

All Images in this post were gotten via Pinterest. Credits goes to Pinterest & the respective owners.