I am tempted to say it’s been a minute but it’s been way longer than that. I find myself breaking into a smile as I type this post.

I remember when I first started this blog. It was a simple place for me to share the many things inside my head with the rest of the world and for four years now, I have done that, albeit inconsistently. Yet, you have remained loyal and for this, I am grateful.
Welcome to 2022! I know it’s been more than two weeks now, forgive me.
So, it’s 2022 and in typical fashion, I shall begin by sharing with my wonderful readers what we have in store for you all this year.
Now, a little back story, last year I hit rock bottom mentally. I decided to take a break, to go elsewhere, to travel the world, to LIVE! It’s what I have been doing in the last three months and oh, how I have loved every minute of it! It has also made me hit ” slow-motion” on a number of things and I am actively trying to rediscover myself. To rediscover what makes me tick!

This year, this blog will be more of what it was when we first started – personal, vulnerable and enlightening.
The team and I will be sharing lots of lifestyles, personal development and travel content all geared towards showing you how to further navigate this millennial life/living.
I am excited for this year. I have big plans and in due time, I will share them with you all but for now, enjoy reading these carefully selected blog posts that are guaranteed to help you navigate the new year.
I need your help pls.
Hi, what do you need