• 8 Virtual Interview Tips to Having a Successful Interview

    The key to having a successful virtual interview relies on how you prepare for it beforehand.
    Here are eight virtual interview tips that will offer guidance on how to nail a virtual interview, and land your next job.

    How To Realize & Set Your Top Priorities in Life.

    2020 is the year I started freelancing and working remotely which has made me realize the essence of setting priorities in my life. The first time I heard about setting priorities for myself was when I missed a deadline for a job and I gave my supervisor a reason why I could not meet the set deadline. I heard it again during a heated argument with my sister, and it was at this second instance I really got to understand the meaning and the importance of setting priorities in life.

    10 Effective Self Care Tips for Women

    it is easy to get overwhelmed with work as a career woman that you do not make room for practising self-care. You should actively try to not allow the busy schedules at work to interfere with you having a me-time. Because when you neglect self-care, stress will build up and it will casually seep into your professional life, causing you to be less efficient and no career woman wants that.

    So here are 10 amazing self care tips/ideas that will help relieve stress and create a work-life balance.

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