• 10 Things I Wish I Knew About Investing in Yourself

    My first experience in self investment was during my NYSC year. I and several corpers participated in acquiring some certificates at a discounted rate for corpers so that we would have an edge in the…

    80 Best Affirmations For Self Love

    Positive Affirmations are the bedrock of self-love. In fact, positive affirmations are one of the first steps advised to use when you want to start their journey to self-love. There is a theory that when you continuously speak good things over your life, you will eventually start believing it- even if you didn’t believe at first. Repeating uplifting words of affirmations to ourselves has become a practice all throughout social media and among some of our favourite celebrities.

    10 Ted Talks on Happiness

    In this ted talk on happiness, Psychologist Csikszentmihalyi discusses how a state of heightened focus and immersion in activities you enjoy can bring about pleasure and lasting satisfaction. But this is only possible so long as we keep challenging ourselves.

    30 Deep Questions To Ask Yourself & Know Who You Truly Are

    Do you truly know who you are? Here are 30 deep questions to ask to know who you truly are. Never say never… I got to understand this statement better a few years ago after…

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