To be honest, I had nothing in mind to write when I picked up my laptop. All I knew was I wanted to write an end-of-year post but I was lost. Not even a post title in mind. I don’t know how this post will be like in all sincerity but I will be writing straight from my heart and I hope you enjoy it.
A part of me wants to recount the events of this year. My high and low points. Another part says are you f****** blind to the misery that was 2020. Like how dare you want to share any wins when countless lives were lost, when people suffered greatly, a year that seemed to be filled with so much losses. How dare you Gift!
I know this year was beyond terrible but I am a big advocate for being grateful for even the littlest things. If you’ve followed me for a while, I share a lot about gratitude.
So yes, I will be sharing some of the details of how my year went.
Gift Collins’ 2020 in recap.
January 2020 – I produced my first film. It’s titled “A Chain Reaction” and you can view it on IrokoTV.
February 2020. I finally had a birthday after four long years of waiting. The sad part of being a leap year baby. Also, February, I travelled a lot for some work stuff.
March 2020. I fell ill. I remember feeling like I was going to die. I moved from one hospital to the other, different diagnosis, different drugs and yet nothing concrete. I would get better for a bit & then fall ill again. It was a nightmare. Eventually, they found out what was wrong. I remember the doctor telling me I was lucky it was discovered when they did as it was life threatening. A while later, I got better. I like to think it was nothing short of a miracle.
April 2020. I began to work from home. My state of residence, Lagos was in a lockdown.
May-July 2020. These months were like a blur. I can hardly remember anything that happened. At a point, I mentally tried to shut down all the many negative news and all. I think that’s why I barely remember these months.
August 2020. I began house hunting in this dreaded Lagos and if you don’t already know, permit me to inform you that house hunting in Lagos is the real ghetto.
September – November. I was still house-hunting. However, in October, I paused to follow my country people to demand for an end to a lawless police unit called SARS. #EndSars. The events of this period broke me into pieces. I really don’t even want to talk about what this damned Nigerian govt did to it’s own citizen.
December 2020. I finally found an apartment. I did the necessary things and I’m happy to say I am currently typing this post from my new apartment. P.s. No one told me furnishing an apartment costs more than getting the actual apartment. Send help!
I had some good things happen to me this year. I wrote some amazing scripts.
I also had many losses this year. Lost a friend. Applied for a job I wanted badly and I didn’t get it. I couldn’t meet up what was left of the fees for a masters program where I had a part-scholarship. The list goes on.
I am just happy to be here, alive, on the last day of 2020.

The Blog.
Ah! This dear blog of mine. Well, not everything went according to plan but I am grateful for my team. This year, I had two writers, Lilian & Rachel and they delivered such amazing content. To be honest, without them, I would have closed down the blog this year. Because I felt I wasn’t being very active on here and that maybe the time has come to move on but I couldn’t bring myself to let go of “my small space on the world-wide-web”. So, I invested in getting writers. They did most of the writing and I, the editing. I miss writing on here though, so I am definitely going to do better in 2021.
What’s next? 2021?
My darlings, if there’s anything this year has taught me it is to let Jesus take the wheel. I have plans for 2021 and I will share them in a later blog post. However, I am letting Jesus take the wheel this 2021. I trust that His will is perfect for me.
Whew! my fingers hurts from typing so fast. (insert crying emoji)
See, enough of this long post. How are you guys? How are you holding up? How was the year for you?
I’ve missed reading & replying to your comments. So can we please revive that culture. Tell me your experiences this year and what new things you learnt.
P.S. As the year ends, I know first hand how easy it is to fall into a depressing path of analyzing your accomplishments and all this year. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Making it to this point is a great accomplishment. Surviving this deadly year is the biggest win.
N.B. I am making this post without even reading what I have written for the fear of editing some of the details out. I want this to be as honest as possible. So if you see any typos, kindly turn a blind eye. Thanks.
Some Interesting Blog Posts to Reminisce on.
- Self-sabotaging Behaviours & how to stop
- Positive Affirmations
- My Insecurities dealing with Career confusion
- Millennial is the hustle culture doing us more harm?
- Deep Questions to ask yourself & know who you truly are.
- 10 things no one told you about blogging
- When friends turn monsters
- 25 Short Inspirational quotes for when life gets tough
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Love & Light
Gift Collins
It’s really being a long year, Gift but we thank God for his many blessings and most especially the gift of life.