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    As a girl child in this part of the world, being exposed to words and mannerisms that make you feel “less” is rather common. So, as a growing child I sought for a means to validate my sexuality as a female to be more than “less”. This led to me finding and falling in love with books by strong female authors.

    I have always loved art, always loved reading books and living my fairytale through the stories written in them. I developed a flair for female authors, the likes of Adichie, Angelou, Atwood, Austen, Rivers, the list goes on and on.

    It’s no rocket science that I could relate with Maya more; We share the same Golden black skin, the same African roots and her words exudes a woman broken, lost but found. A STRONG-CONFIDENT-HAVE-YOUR-BS-RIGHT-IN-YOUR-FACE KIND-OF-WOMAN, A GODDESS IN HER OWN RIGHTS. The exact kind of femininity I sought.

    I have loved her since I know why the cage bird sings to phenomenal woman and even down to when God’s children need travelling shoes and still I rise.

    As the world celebrates her posthumous birthday, I celebrate her as well for she lives still. You see the thing with great authors is this “centuries after they are no more, they still live through their works”. Authors are indefatigable, authors are gods, they live forever..

    These 10 life inspiring quotes by Maya Angelou  I am sharing have seen me through good, bad and ugly moments.

    Moments when my mind strayed, when my thoughts were distorted,

    Moments when life weighed me down and my heart is contorted in different shapes as the hurt, pain, anger I feel take shape.

    Moments when I find myself falling into the abyss of depression,

    I seek the Maya of all, whose words are like air, slowly caressing my broken spirits until all knots are loosen and like a cage bird freed, I sing!

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    I love this quote so much. At one point I had this written on a stick on note by my wardrobe door and so every morning I opened my wardrobe to get dressed, I see this quote and I step out feeling all sasha fierce.

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    Can I hear someone say Aye to this! We all know life can be unfair but what most people don’t know is “no more how unfair life is to you, don’t stop”.

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    My favourite quote of all time. Call it my daily mantra and you ain’t far from the truth. Who else sees the beauty of this quote?.

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    Need I say more? I think the quote did justice to the saying “this is for my haters”.

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    This basically sums up why I started blogging and why I haven’t given up yet. Whenever I feel down with blogging struggles, I remember this quote and feel much better.

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    My mission statement as borrowed from the legend herself. Someday when I get my dream apartment, I will definitely make a frame with this quote and you should too.

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    What were you thinking, that a hopeless romantic like myself won’t have a love quote. Lol. This quote sums up what I think a loving relationship should be all about.

    10 life inspiring quotes by Maya Angelou Pin this image on Pinterest

    Major reason why I am nonconformist. I am uniquely me and I won’t try to be someone else’s definition of “normal”. Even though sometimes I forget this and give in, somehow I still end up remembering that and I immediately switch back to being me because “being me” is the most amazing feeling.

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    The more you seek to be creative, the more creative you will be. Who else can relate to this because I totally can.

    10 life inspiring quotes by Maya Angelou Pin this image on Pinterest

    If you haven’t learnt to, then it’s best you start learning how to. Your life will be a whole lot easier without you stressing yourself trying to please someone who actually doesn’t care.

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    I know I said ten and This wasn’t supposed to be part but it is way too important to be left out. This is for you, yes you! Learn to live your life to the fullest because YOLO(you only live once).

    A little challenge for bloggers

    I totally enjoyed drafting this post. It wasn’t just to celebrate a great woman but also to share with my readers some of the things I live by, some of the things that motivate me to never stop, to keep trying, to keep creating and to always fix my eyes on the prize.

    So I am tagging 10 other bloggers to share quotes/things that motivate their life, style, interests and passion with their readers.

    1. thebudgetbella.wordpress.com
    2. drapedinbasics.com
    3. vincentdesmond.com
    4. mindofamaka.com
    5. debbrahmaxwell.wordpress.com
    6. princessaudu.com
    7. demiakin.com
    8. rantofdrockdweller.wordpress.com
    9. yellowsisii.com
    10. firstmahn.com

    Who is your favourite female author? Which quote in this post did you love the most.

    Gift Collins
    Gift Collins

    Gift Collins is an ingenious creative. She loves to put her polished thoughts into words and pictures to create beautiful stories. She is a media girl-in and out.
    An experienced Filmmaker, Scriptwriter and Blogger. She also has skills and experience in social media management.

    Welcome to her space, it’s yours too!

    Find me on: Web | Twitter/X | Instagram

    Don't hesitate to tell me what you think.

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    1. April 5, 2018 / 6:24 pm

      Evening mi Lady?… how’s been the day? Great quotes for life’s inspo?.. I can totally relate… thanks for the mention and challenge accepted ??

    2. April 7, 2018 / 6:11 am

      I accept the challenge dear.

      This really blessed me . God bless you richly for this .

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