Most days, I feel fine but then there are periods where I find it hard to leave the bed and get work done. Some days were I am just feeling unmotivated.
I often struggle with being easily unmotivated; whether it is in regards to my career, staying healthy, or even catching up with friends.
I am willing to assume that you are reading this article because you feel like you are not doing anything to achieve your set goals and you want to deal with this problem of feeling unmotivated.

This feeling can easily cause you to fall into depression, so you need to stop being hard on yourself and work through to break yourself from this fix.
Here are ten foolproof ways I have practiced that have not only boosted my confidence but got my head out of the clouds.
Tips on Staying Ways Motivated

1) Deal with Negative Thoughts
Certainly, doubts and insecurities will come. When they do, the key is to learn how to shift your mindset.
When you adopt a positive attitude, you’re leaving little room for you to start feeling inadequate and lazy.
There is no point in going around telling yourself that you are a lazy person just because you do not feel like leaving the comfort of your bed and end up missing the deadline of work.
What we tell ourselves is very important because it greatly impacts our self-esteem.
If you do not deal with these negative thoughts, it will result in you becoming detached from the world and unwilling to work on anything.
Constantly remind yourself to be positive and instead of trying to attempt to achieve perfection, concentrate on giving your best to the job.
2) Prioritize Your Rest Time
It can be hard to get creative and work when you have spent more than half of your time awake.
With so many unfinished works on your planner, you might feel like you don’t deserve the rest, but a little time to recharge is very necessary.
Without adequate rest, you will feel overwhelmed by the volume of work which in turn makes you less productive. Different people have different views on what rest is, all that matters is that you feel rejuvenated and motivated to work after.
3) Try Something New
The idea is to try new things that bring you joy. It can be as simple as learning a new craft or even signing up for workshops.
You will be surprised to know how connecting with people with similar feelings can help you find new ideas and want to execute them.
Do something that, even if for a short period, will not only motivate you but also, make you feel better.
4) Surround Yourself with Supportive People
Immediately you have family and friends who support and check up on you, in no time you will be able to pull yourself up from feeling unmotivated and get things done.
Consider making one of your friends or family member your accountability partner. Whenever you need motivation or even a pep talk, call them or text them.
Their uplifting words and affirmations will hold you accountable and remind you that you are capable of accomplishing your set goals.
5) Exercise
Exercising fills you with energy and it makes you more active throughout the day. Sometimes due to how inactive you are, your body will not be used to moving around and this relays a message to your brain that doing work is tiring.
6) Reward Yourself
Learn to reward yourself for a good job or even the very small task you finish.
These occasional rewards will help keep you on track and empower you to try out the job.
By rewarding yourself every time, you are training your mind to actively seek out work to complete.
The rewards do not have to be costly; it can be little breaks to see a movie and play video games.
Rewarding yourself for a job well done will motivate you to keep going and it is a great way to boost your confidence and give you fuel you to carry on.
7) Write Down Your Goals
At the start of each week, write down your goals, and tick it off after you complete it. A list of weekly goals will keep you focused and stay motivated.
When creating the list, prioritize according to its importance and make room for changes.
Post the list everywhere; on your laptop, refrigerator, and even as your background. This is to make it easily accessible whenever you are feeling lazy.
Research has shown that writing down your goals increases your productivity and work output.
8) Declutter Your Planner
After setting your goals for the week, ensure that you do not over-fit activities into it. Having too many activities or plans will make you feel stressed and this could lead to feeling unmotivated, so only schedule the important tasks into your planner and forget about the rest.
For instance, if you are an author and are supposed to write 1500 words every weekend but you always never meet your set expectations, you should consider cutting down on most of your extracurricular activities. By reducing these activities, you will find the motivation you need to finish your work.
9) Seek Professional Help
It sounds weird, seeking out therapy because you are feeling unmotivated, but it is really helpful.
Feeling unmotivated is a natural thing and nothing to be ashamed of. Therapy will teach you how to not stay in this unhealthy space for long and also help you process the reasons you feel that way.

It is an effective tool that will help shift your paradigm and realize how to take care of yourself.
10) Do Not Give Up
It is very easy to give up when you do not find the motivation you need to continue your job. In the face of problems, do not let the setbacks demotivate you, see them for what they are, and refuse to be flattened by them.
Always remind yourself how much you want to achieve your goal or task, seek help where needed, and refuse to give up. You got this!
We all have distractions that keep us from completing our work. The goal is to find ways to deal with them and stay motivated.
I’m curious to know, how do you feel motivated? Let us know in the comment below! Don’t forget to share!