Blogging has taught me So many things yet some days i still feel like screaming because it’s all so complicated!
As a student of Theatre and film studies, I heard a lot of demeaning statements from friends and random people regarding my course of study, statements like;
- you don’t have any problems.
- your course is so easy
- the only thing you people do is act and dance.
so many insensitive statements and I usually say to myself “if only they know how strenuous being a theatre art student is”.
Anyways i got used to people undermining my course of study but little did i know that my next line of action, that is blogging would attract such statements too.
Bloggers are highly underrated in our country, people fail to see all the work we put in to serve them the best contents and provide useful engagements.
When people hear you say ”I am blogger” they think it’s all rosy and you are just having fun. They have absolutely no idea about how complicated blogging can be.
This is part one.
I have decided to start a series on blogging related issues and this is the maiden edition, i hope you all love it.
This series would deal with blogging challenges, problems, encounters we have/face as bloggers, give insights on tips and topics to help you in blogging and also ways you can turn your passion into a business.
This series would feature here and sometimes on The blogger point website on Wednesdays (so look out for it)
10 things blogging has taught me
- YOU ARE ENOUGH: Blogging requires you to put yourself out there and a lot of people(including myself) tend to shy away because they think they are not just good enough. The first thing blogging has taught me is the fact that “I AM ENOUGH”. Enough to have people from all over the world visit my little space daily….If this isn’t enough motivation for you, then i don’t know what is.
- CONSISTENCY: I cannot say I have been very consistent since i started blogging but I try to always publish at least one post every week. My blog schedule though says a new blog post every three days but my life lately has been really stressful and I hardly followed my schedule these past weeks. Being consistent in blogging can not be over looked because it portrays you as an unserious blogger especially because you leave your readers hanging….. I have learnt to try as much as possible to minimize the number of times i say ” I am sorry i have been AWOL” to my readers.
- IMPROVED MY GEOGRAPHY: Checking my blog statistics is one of my favourite things to do because I love to keep up with my blog traffic performance and also to see which countries my traffic is coming from. Blogging has helped me become more conversant with the world map and i absolutely love it when views from a not-so-well-known country pops up. I quickly head to google to read up fun facts about the country….
I never fail to always sleep and wake up with them by my side! Blogging has made me cultivate the habit of always keeping writing materials close by so I can write down ideas immediately they come in and I do this mostly at nights. While discussing with Zobam yesterday, she suggested I get a voice recording app as it is more efficiently in storing your spur-of-the-moment ideas and we all know such ideas end up becoming really good.
- ADMIRATION IS OKAY BUT SAY NO TO UNHEALTHY COMPARISON: It is okay to admire, it is okay to set goals using your role models, it is okay to learn from them but do not make the mistake of subjecting yourself to unhealthy comparison because just like life, this blogging thing works for different people in different ways. Some achieve fame overnight and some it takes longer. Just keep giving it your best and soon you will be a role model to others.
- STAND OUT: Blogging has taught me that there is a need to Carve a niche for yourself, have a unique selling point be it your style of writing, creativity, stylish outfits, flat lays, Diy hacks or whatever you have a passion for.
- CELEBRATE LITTLE MILESTONES: Just because more is to come. As a sort of New blogger, the blogging world can be really frustrating but these little milestones are gentle reminders that you are making progress.
BLOGGER FRIENDS ARE THE BEST: I have learnt that the blogging community can be one with fierce competition but still there exists some of the most beautiful hearts who are committed to helping you grow. I have made quite a few and I have no regrets.
special shout out to Samuel Chinedu of Nextnaijaentrepreneur who never fails to guide me. To the Blackk beauty for showing me so much love, Vincent, Zobam and of course to everyone from TBA and Instagram, you guys are amazing.
Image by yours truly(me), feel free to use but don’t forget my photo credits.
- IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE PERFECT TO BE POWERFUL: Some times we spend our time fussing over unnecessary things. We seek for perfection but sorry to burst your bubble perfection only exists in our imaginations. The search for perfection limits many bloggers as they become less productive. have you ever noticed how some posts you feel were terrible turn out being loved by your readers. Do your best and leave the rest for your readers, they determine what works.
- PICTURE PERFECT? HELL YEAH!: No matter how terrible it looks, it’s nothing the right editing can’t handle. I have learnt to edit my pictures to what suits me or my blog/brand using apps like snapseed, vsco cam, preview app, photo grid and several others.
I am really enjoying my experience as a blogger.
loving the knowledge i keep gaining on daily basis
loving that the world is watching my little space ( feel like a celebrity) lol.
These are the few things things i have learnt from blogging, what about you?
what have you learnt from blogging?
Well done girl… You killed it… Can I call you a killer? Lol
I am glad I met you on this boat called Blogging. God bless you richly!
Lol please don’t call me a killer……
Thank you
I am glad I met you too
You definitely checked off everything on the list as regards your blog post. And the blog traffic from different countries thingy? Well I did that a lot this week and i was surprised to see some certain countries on my stat.
Thanks for the love too girl, you were one of the first persons i formed a connection with on the blogsphere and i really do appreciate that. Looking forward to reading your posts on the blogger point website. Well done!
Happy the list was comprehensive.
It’s been a pleasure knowing you girl..
Thank you
Its great what blogging can do to someone. Apart from helping you out put in some new skill sets, it can be of great help in making you consciously set goals and see how your efforts plays out.
And to some point you feel responsible to something, somehow, someone somewhere, and I don’t really get why the subconsciousness. But its funny.
Great thoughts you shared.
Peace! ?
Your comment is so apt Owen…
Blogging teaches a lot of good things and I am glad you agree..
Thank you for stopping by
Really enjoyed reading this, kind of reminds of when I first started blogging.
Blogging has taught me to be more confident in myself and my abilities.
Glad you enjoyed it…
Blogging has also taught me to be confident
I could write a whole book about what blogging has taught me. So much. The most important, and what I try to tell every beginner is this: it’s a marathon, not a sprint.
In blogging, patience is virtue. You learn to work hard but you also learn to wait for success. If you try to do it all at once, you could be heading for the cliff.
You’ve constantly amazed me with your passion and work rate, Gift. I’m glad!
In blogging, patience is truly a virtue. The magic doesn’t happen overnight but when it does, it’s an endless stream.
Maybe you should actually write that book… We beginners could learn a thing or two from a Pro like you.
It’s just lately I started to embrace the benefits of being a blogger and appreciate every little aspect of my life. Not to be dramatic, but blogging has helped me be more self conscious and attentive to issues/matters.
Some things I wouldn’t really pay attention to, I try to, because now I’m more exposed in the blogosphere and realized that variety is really the spice of life. If you’re a little more patient, you’ll see the beauty at the end of the details
Idle head
I totally understand you Oluchi. Blogging has become a lifestyle and with it comes perks for details and aesthetics. I am glad we learn everyday and the good part is when you implement what you learnt.
It’s a long process but at the end, it’s a very rewarding experience.
I must say I am gapping I stumbled on your blog right now cause I don’t even know how I got here but it’s been an interesting and informative read since coming on here…. Thanks for sharing
Hello Ngozi, I am glad you found the post helpful and thank you for dropping by… Hope to see more of you