This post on ways to be happy during these trying times originally started as a post on my Instagram page.
However, a fellower sent a dm and said she was glad I shared these tips as she really needed to hear it. We chatted some more and apparently she’s been feeling low and unhappy for some days, my post gave her mood a positive boost. I jokingly mentioned that I should probably share these tips on the blog too and she encouraged me to do so.
P.s if you don’t “gram with me” what are you doing?
What makes a person happy?
To be honest, nobody has that all figured all but things like spending time with loved ones, practising good habits, reflecting on your life’s journey and staying grateful for the small wins & achievements is a step in the right direction towards becoming happy.
20 Small Ways To Be Happy
1. Count your blessings: You will find that there’s a lot to still be grateful for even during these difficult times.
2. Make someone happy! In case you don’t know, one way to be Happier is by making someone else happy as you will feel accomplished. Why do you think you feel so good after making someone’s day. It’s because happiness is contagious! So show someone love today.
3. Go off Social Media- I know you’ve heard this many times but hear me out. Social media is an amazing place but it’s important that you take some time off and just exist without pressing phone.
4. Sleep O! My dears, just sleep 😂😂😂 I know the lockdown has distorted our sleep patterns but still try to get enough rest, you will feel rejuvenated afterwards.
5. Practice Acceptance: You need to realise and accept that the world is in a Limbo at the moment. Accept what you have now instead of dwelling in “what should have been”. That way you won’t find yourself feeling constantly weighed down from everything going on.
6. Call your loved ones: When last did you speak to your loved ones? It’s easy to lose sight of little but very important habits like calling your loved ones, especially in these trying times. Try to do your best to not fall out of habit. You can implore the aid of a calendar reminder. I do this too, on my calendar, I have reminders to call my parents. Some might say why do you need a reminder to call your parents? Have no doubt, I love my parents greatly but each passing day, I have a lot on my plate and as I said, it is quite easy to lose sight of seemingly little but important things.

Ways To Be Happy today
7. Cook/Order and Eat Your Favourite Meal.
Good food is honestly therapeutic! There is absolutely no argument. Cook or order your favourite meal, set the table and dig in. Remember to savour every bite.
8. Worship
If you are religious, worship is one of the best ways to be happy. There’s honestly something extra special about worship, it draws you in and at the end, you feel a true sense of contentment.
9. Reminisce Your Happy Memories
Yes, you heard right! Take a trip down memory lane but ensure you stay on the positive lane. Remember those little/big things that made you truly feel alive in the past. It’s psychological proven that remembering past happy times bring about present happy times. So close your eyes, take a deep breathe and dream away.

10. Stay Grateful
Gratitude does a world of good for your mood. So practice daily gratitude and watch as you become a more positive and happy person.
I have a post on how to practise gratitude daily, you should totally check it out after reading this post.
5 Ways To Practice Gratitude Daily (My Fool Proof Tips)
11. Watch/Listen to your All-time Movie and Music Respectively.
Because art is life! That’s it!
12. Virtual Travel
Ever heard of virtual Travel? Well, I hadn’t until the lockdown began. A few travel sites I followed shared posts about virtually visiting museums, yes you can visit some museums virtually. However, one post that caught my fancy was one that talked about travelling virtually. The idea is to take the entire trip via videos or your imagination. I decided to try it out, at first it felt weird but I didn’t give up, I tried again and I ended up falling in love.
Here’s what I do, first, I choose a place I’ll like to virtual travel to, then I google up fun things to do in that city, sometimes I watch a video highlighting the most touristic things to do in the city of my choice.
Then I pick a good time, when everywhere is calm, put on my headset, set my phone on focus mode then let my imagination run wild. I envision myself in the city, wearing light dresses and I mentally partake and visit the tourist attractions.
I know it sounds crazy, but trust me if you are artistically inclined, you will enjoy virtual Travel. In the end, you feel so good that you temporary forget that you are stuck at home.
Always Choose Joy
13. Take A Walk
When I get really overwhelmed, I like to take long walks, listen to my favourite music or call a jolly friend and gist the entire duration of my walk. I return home feeling better.
14. Observe and Find the beauty in your surrounding
There’s beauty in everything, you just have to use your “fourth” eye. Basically, you have to learn to pay attention to little details and also learn to be very observant.
As a scriptwriter, finding beautiful scenarios in most times is a habit I’ve come to build over time.
It’s in the small things, the littlest details such as watching kids play that gets you all smiles.
15. Stop overworrying about the future, live in the now
I have my name written all over this one as I am awfully guilty of constantly worrying about the future. It’s honestly such a toxic habit to have. Listen it’s okay to worry about the future but to over worry, that’s you doing yourself a disservice as it sometimes starts to make you feel like you already making major progress, then you feel overwhelmed and your mood tanks.
If you are like me, please start learning to live in the now, enjoy each moment. don’t let thoughts of the future kill the joy of the present (Gift listen!)
16. Forgive and Let Go
Resentments are such a huge burden. let go of them, forgive, let live and be happy.

17. Practice Better Self-care
Ain’t nobody gonna love you like you, sis. Self-love is the ultimate G.O.A.T, love and shower yourself with pleasant things.
18. Show Appreciation
19. Eliminate Your Triggers
I can give you 100s of tips on ways to be happy but if you don’t find the things that get you into a “funk”, you will constantly struggle to feel happy. So observe the things that spoil your mood and consciously try to eliminate them from your life.
20. Darling, just breathe
Because sometimes you will do all the things on this list and yet it won’t be enough to get you to be happy. During such difficult times, just breathe and remember that there’s always light at the end of the tunnel. YOU WILL BE OKAY.
Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes with the morning.
Psalm 30 vs 5B
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