I have been staring at my screen for 20 minutes in utter confusion. The question “Where do I start?” keeps ringing in my head. I am looking at the WordPress interface, and it feels so strange. Everything feels strange. I feel like a child thrown into a world she knows nothing of and I find myself asking, “How can this be?” How is it that I feel like a stranger to something I loved, something I did for so many years? I think it’s how life works: you leave something for so long, and when you find yourself back (that’s if you ever find your way back), you have to start from the very beginning. You have to learn and relearn.
It’s been two years since I last made a post. My blog has always been one of the most beautiful things I created, and if you had told me in 2017, when I started this blog, that someday in the future I would abandon it for two long years, I would have thought you silly. Yet here I am, after abandoning my blog for two years, leaving it to be swarmed by broken plugins, links, and more. I HAVE RETURNED.
When I woke up today, I never envisioned this happening, but it’s been such a magnificent day, and I am in the process of finding myself again. Then it hit me: my blog is a haven of tips on personal development, self-care, and career development. So what better way to find myself than to simply rediscover myself and do it with the people I once shared bits and pieces of my life with? I consider it such an honor to still have this blog, to still be able to write. I have no idea if anyone still reads my blog or if anyone will see this post, but I am doing it scared, doing it unsure, but just doing it!
If you see this, please say hi in the comments. It feels good to be back, and hopefully this time, I never leave again.

Oh my goodness Gift, welcome back! It’s no coincidence I thought of how refreshing your blog posts used to be. Good to have you back here.
Thank you so much. This means a lot to me.
Yes yes 😊😊😊😊 I love love it ❤️
Thank you so much my darling
This is beautiful and I love it. please don’t go off again.
Hiiii…welcome back
Hi, I’m new here, I’ll peruse a couple posts and be on my jolly way but I’m a new fan.
Lovely piece, it’s so good to have you back. On queue for the next. Welcome😀
Lovely piece, so good to have you back. On queue for the next. Welcome 😀