• How & Where To Find Blogging Inspiration

    I’ve been blogging consistently for two years now and I tend to get questions from fellow bloggers on how I stay consistent, how I create time to write and also how and where to find Blogging inspiration.

    About this consistency thing, one thing I know is it didn’t all just happen in one day. There were times I wasn’t very consistent but I strived hard to ensure I kept the blog running no matter what.

    Did it pay off? A big yes! My traffic is doing well, blog income is growing and most especially, I feel a sense of happiness, pride and fulfillment with my blog.

    But I can’t deny, blogging can be cumbersome. Especially when you are lacking inspiration, everything becomes difficult- a blog post that would usually take about 2-3 hours ends up becoming 2-3 days and sometimes weeks because you feel uninspired.

    However, that’s not enough to deter you, trust me, I’ve been there, done that and found ways to overcome lack of blogging inspiration.

    So here are 7 ways on how and where to find Blogging inspiration.

    Whenever I am stuck on what to write or experience writer’s block, I surf through these places to find blogging inspiration.


    An app well known for “designing on the go” and an amazing one at that! I create all my blog graphics using Canva. But that’s not the only thing I use Canva for, I use Canva to get Blogging inspiration and content ideas.

    I begin by opening Canva, then I use the search bar and type in keywords relating to my niche.

    A couple of graphics will pop up and then I scroll through and jot down post ideas from them.


    The holy grail of all things “Inspiration”. Pinterest is your one stop shop for everything; food, fashion, photography, beauty, blogging and more.

    I use Pinterest to find a lot of things, from casual work wear ideas down to blog posts ideas.

    All you need do, is search for keywords relating to your niche and boom, you’ll find tons of Blogging inspiration.

    Re-read Your Old Blog Posts

    Yes! What better way to find blogging inspiration than to go through your own blog and re-read some of your best blog posts.

    This one is always a winner for me. Anytime I hit rock bottom and can’t seem to get myself out of a block, I always re-read my old posts and that just motivates me to get back to writing.

    Also, while reading your old blog posts, you are sure to find new post ideas. E.g a follow up post on an old post, a post you promised your readers and haven’t delivered on, etc. Also check your comment section and see what your readers are more interested in.

    So yes, go back and re-read your best blog posts, remind yourself how amazing you are and you’ll definitely be inspired.


    On Bloglovin, I follow bloggers of similar niches and sometimes while reading through their posts, I find blogging inspiration and post ideas.

    I’ll recommend you get the BlogLovin app, follow bloggers in your niche and get reading.

    A good way to improve your blog’s traffic is to claim your blog on Bloglovin and build good followership then whenever you share a new blog posts, your blog Lovin followers are bound to visit.

    Observe Your Surrounding

    To be a good content creator, you must have a good eye for watching and observing things. One of my best ways to find blogging inspiration is to observe my environment.

    Observe what’s going on, what’s currently trending and so on. E.g during the Big Brother 2018 Fiasco, I observed almost every one around me was crazy about it and so I wrote a blog post on it and that post did amazingly beautiful traffic wise.

    Read More Blogs

    This is as easy as it gets. To do better as a writer, it’s always better to stay abreast by reading what others have written.

    Reading blogs can greatly enhance your Blogging skills. And you’ll find blog post inspirations too.

    However, finding inspiration should never be mistaken for copying.

    Finding inspiration from someone else’s blog post is you picking up an idea and not copying a paragraph or two from the original post.

    For example, if I find inspiration from this post, I can come up with other post ideas such as

    • Tips and Tricks For Getting Your Blogging Mojo Back.
    • How I Stay Inspired As A Blogger
    • Blogging 101: How I stay Consistent and Never run out of ideas.
    • My no-hold barred truth on how and where I find Blogging inspiration.

    Then after coming up with such ideas, I do my research, add my experiences and come out with a masterpiece without as much as lifting one word from the blogpost I garnered inspiration from.

    Life Experiences

    Life experiences gives the best blogging inspiration and makes you an original storyteller. Check out this scenario.

    On your way back from work, you got drenched in the rain, you arrive home soaking wet and reminiscence of the “horrid” experience. Then come up with ideas on how to avoid a repeat the next day. So you get a carry-on umbrella, a shower cap and carry a rubber bag instead of a leather bag.

    You can create a blog post from such an experience. Here are some post ideas;

    • How to stay 3 steps ahead of the rains/weather.
    • 5 weather apps that can save you from getting drenched.
    • Got drenched? Here are 5 things to do after to prevent a cold
    • How to protect your hair during the rainy season
    • 10 footwears Ideal For Rainy Season

    I could go on and on creating post ideas for different niches just from that one life experience. So you see how easy it is to find Blogging inspiration and post ideas from your life experiences.

    If you follow these tips and still feel stuck it uninspired with Blogging, then sign-up bellow and send me an email giftcollinsblog@gmail.com. I’ll be happy to help.

    Happy Blogging!

    Let’s Discuss, Where do you get your Blogging inspiration?


    Gift Collins
    Gift Collins

    Gift Collins is an ingenious creative. She loves to put her polished thoughts into words and pictures to create beautiful stories. She is a media girl-in and out.
    An experienced Filmmaker, Scriptwriter and Blogger. She also has skills and experience in social media management.

    Welcome to her space, it’s yours too!

    Find me on: Web | Twitter | Instagram

    Don't hesitate to tell me what you think.

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    1. June 20, 2019 / 2:10 pm

      This is such a needed post. I get inspiration from Pinterest and Canva too. Never thought of using old post, thanks for sharing Gift.

    2. June 21, 2019 / 5:17 pm

      This is such an inspiring read. I’ve been away from the blogosphere for months now and getting inspiration seems like a daunting task. I never thought of Canva as a means to get inspired. I’ll definitely try it out. And yes, Pinterest is such a great one!
      Thanks for sharing! Pray for me and my blog oo. Lol

    3. January 18, 2020 / 4:37 pm

      Pinterest is indeed the holy grail of inspiration. Medium too. I also use Canva for my graphics but never considered it a source of inspiration for blog posts. I’ll surely try it out.
      Thanks for sharing

    4. April 23, 2020 / 8:31 pm

      Cutest thing for today is the blog loving app. I’ll check it out.

      • April 23, 2020 / 9:59 pm

        You should, it’s really cool

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