It is easy to get overwhelmed with work as a career woman that you do not make room for practising self-care. You should actively try to not allow the busy schedules at work to interfere with you having a me-time. Because when you neglect self-care, stress will build up and it will casually seep into your professional life, causing you to be less efficient and no career woman wants that. See the top ten self care tips for women below.
What is self care for women?
I used to think self-care was basically just pampering yourself and looking good. Jokes on me, looking good is one out of many. I later learnt, it is a lot more complex than that. Selfcare is a broad subject.
Self-care is everything you do to nurture the well-being of your mind and body.
Self-care tips for women, it is basically what you do that will help you find a work-life balance.

There are various self-care tips, ideas and routines all over the internet, however, it’s paramount to find what works for you best.
For me, it can be writing in my Presently app every night before bed, baking or having meaningful conversations with my sister.
Self-care is different for every woman. You just have to know what you appreciate and to encourage you to take better care of yourselves as working women, I’ve shared a few tips below to help you actualize this.
The Best Self Care Tips for Women
Our professional life tends to engulf us, so scheduling self-care into your week is very crucial. If you do not fit it into your schedule weekly, it is less likely happen. This week, get your planner out and allocate (at least) one evening just to yourself this month.
Do Something That Makes You Happy
Your happiness is very important. Practising self-care should not feel like a chore. Learn the things that make YOU happy—they may be very different from what makes someone else happy.

You just need at least five minutes to do something that makes you happy.
When you stop putting work and people first, you would be surprised about the new things you will learn about yourself.
Tune Out of Social Media
You can not be online 24 hours and not absorb toxic energy.
*side-eyes at TwitterNG*
It is not beneficial to stay off social media completely especially if it is one of your sources of income. Instead, dedicate some time for yourself where you can be offline. You need to master how to tune out from your online space and just be present offline with people. Self-care is also being authentic and present.
Indulge me for a moment and leave your phone in your bag for half of a day to concentrate on the world around you. Try to find at least three things around you and just appreciate it.
Practice Saying No
As a working woman, you need to learn your limits and understand that you can’t please everyone at the workplace.
Learning to say no is so much harder than it sounds, but it is beneficial to your mental health.
Once I started saying no to the things I was not comfortable with at work, I started feeling liberated. It also gave me extra time to practice my self-care ritual instead of being swamped with work. Saying “no” allows you to control what you let into your life. It will also help you feel more confident and in control. Learning to say no, is hands down one of the best self-care tips for women.

Seek Help
To practice self-care, you need to recognize your strengths and also embrace your weaknesses. One of the best thing you can do for yourself as a career woman is to learn to identify when you have too much on your plate. If you’ve got a plate that filled and running over like the biblical cup in Psalms, then it’s time for you to pause and find out what you can do to relieve yourself of some workload.
Unlike popular belief, asking for help does not mean you are weak, it shows that you are prioritizing your wellbeing and do not want to overwork yourself. Take advantage of the services of people and trust that they would give you a quality job.
Compliment Yourself More
We have been gifted with just one body, so learn to respect and love it. Instead of always trying to ‘lose’ something, compliment your flaws. You cannot be stressed at work and still be negative and toxic about your body. That is a lot of mental work and you will end up being less productive at work. As a working woman who is having body image issues, self-care can be translated into practising self-love and re-affirming body positivity affirmations.

You are that bad B****
Do not be afraid to remind others (and sometimes even yourself) that you are a bundle of talent, resilience and that your needs are important too. Once you start to truly respect yourself and everything that you can do, it would come naturally from others.
In a male-dominated work environment, do not be scared to set boundaries and ask for the respect that you rightfully deserve.
Connect With Family
Connecting with your family is as essential as reconnecting with ourselves. Strive to create a balance.
How often do you reach out to your immediate family? Whether it is by creating a WhatsApp family group or making time for family dinners, make connections with your loved ones a priority.
If you have got the home-base covered, it would not be hard for you to step out of your comfort zone and network with people that will help expand your business.

Practice Gratitude
The biggest hack in my self-care routine was when I started practising gratitude and withdrawing from all the negativity surrounding me. It was not an easy thing to do. Learning that negativity can put a strain on my mental health and emotional space, I had no other choice but to say goodbye. And I have absolutely zero regrets.
Just spending a few minutes each day reflecting on what you are grateful for can make all the difference. It doesn’t have to be deep– some days I am truly grateful for Hozier’s music and the ability to fall asleep listening to it. It feels facile but being grateful for the little things makes it easier to be grateful for the bigger things.
Make Self Care a Daily Habit
You can step up from struggling to schedule self-care into your weekly routine and instead try incorporating little self-care habits into your daily life.
If work takes up all your day, before you sleep, read a book, binge-watch your favourite series or just treat yourself by doing something you love. Self-care is all about being gentle and taking care of yourself daily.
There you have it, 10 amazing self-care tips for women. Try practising them today and watch your mental health improve greatly.
Which self-care tip was most helpful to you?
Do you regularly practice self-care? And if so, what does it look like for you?