• 30 Gratitude Journal Prompts For Every Girl

    We have probably all experienced this feeling of gratitude at some point in our lives. Sometimes it’s difficult to stay grateful, but trust me, it’s one habit I believe everyone should develop. A good one to begin is by journaling, I love journaling so much. You can begin with simple gratitude journal prompts.

    Learning to be thankful with what you have now will help you appreciate all that is to come, and be grateful for it.

    Using the Presently app as a gratitude journal is one of the best self-care practices that I’ve ever started. Sceptical me didn’t first believe in its effectiveness in making me feel happier.

    I’ve always been told to be grateful for what I have, but the idea of writing things I’m grateful for never sat well with me at that time.

    It wasn’t like I just woke up one day, suddenly felt more grateful than ever and started journaling. Instead, I saw myself trying to take something positive from a not-so-good situation.

    When I first started gratitude journaling, even if I have a bad day at school, before bed I ensured that I wrote three things I was grateful for. It won’t obviously erase what went wrong but it helps me shift my focus.

    gratitude journal prompts

    What Is Gratitude?

    Gratitude is that happy feeling and fullness in our spirit when things go really well in our lives. It is about taking time from your busy life to appreciate what you have.

    Taking this ‘time out’ to count your blessings will make you realize that your life is actually full of things to be grateful for. This awareness of what makes you happy will most likely motivate you to cultivate more of it.
    Whether it’s through meditation, prayer or journaling, you have to identify what you are grateful for and express it outwardly.

    Why is Gratitude Journaling Necessary?

    Someone explained to me that they always try to be thankful for every situation, even the bad, for it’s an experience to learn from. I didn’t believe them, but the words stuck with me.
    This is why Gratitude journaling is important. It helps you express clearly what you are appreciate of and focus less on your flaws but on what you have.

    Creating a Gratitude Journal gives you a way to keep track of all the things you are thankful for in your life.

    Unless you’re grateful and content with your present, you will never be able to be happy with your future and all the successes to come.

    Learning to be thankful with what you have now will help you appreciate all that is to come, and be grateful for it.
    When using gratitude journal prompts, don’t just skim over what you’re grateful for. The process won’t be as powerful and you won’t feel the peaceful aura that comes with it.

    If you are sceptical about all of this like I was, here are some of the benefits of keeping a gratitude journal;

    1)You will have a new perspective of what is important to you and what you should appreciate more in your life.
    2) It makes you appreciate the little things in life.
    3) You will gain clarity on what you want to have more of in your life, and what you should remove from your life.
    4) It improves relationships
    5) It improves self-esteem.
    6) Your gratitude journal is a safe zone for your eyes only, so you can write anything you feel without judgment.
    7) On days when you feel down, you can read through your gratitude journal to be more appreciative and to remember that you have great people and things in your life.
    8) It helps you sleep better
    9) It reduces your stress level
    10) It makes you happier

    gratitude journal prompts

    30 Gratitude Journal Prompts For Boss Babes

    Below are 30 gratitude journal prompts for every girl that is not sure on what to write or put in her journal. These prompts will help you on your self care journey.

    Note, your answers don’t need to be profound, just be sincere; no blessing is too small.

    1. Someone who made a positive difference in your life.
    2. A family member you are grateful for.
    3. Something you wear that makes you feel good {clothes, jewelry, makeup, etc.}
    4. Situations and things that happened that made you happy today.
    5. Something that helps keep you health.
    6. What technological advancement are you most grateful for?
    7. The body part you are grateful for.
    8. What’s an accomplishment you are proud of?
    9. What is something beautiful you had the chance to witness lately?
    10. Something that was a wish come true.
    11. A bad habit have you gotten over.
    12. An app you use every day that adds value to your life and you are grateful it was created.
    13. List 6 things you like about your job.
    14. A favorite quote or saying that makes you happy.
    15. What’s something that you grateful to have today that you didn’t have a year ago?
    16. Go through all old pictures and find a photo that you like. Why are you grateful for this photo? What are you grateful for in the photo?
    17. Something you recently accomplished.
    18. What habit (or habits) are you grateful for keeping up with?
    19. What is something you love doing for/giving to others?
    20. Something that makes you unique.
    21. What musician are you grateful for?
    22. A book you are grateful for reading.
    23. Think of one person who has enriched your life this year in some way. What are 3 positive contributions they’ve made to your life?
    24. Favorite websites you are grateful for.
    25. Favorite things you like about your job or work.
    26. Pretend you are writing a thank you card to your-self what are 3 things you can thank yourself for?
    27. What’s one of your personality traits that you’re grateful for?
    28. What mistake or failure are you grateful for?
    29. What’s something about your body or health that you’re grateful for?
    30. What skill(s) do you have that you’re grateful for?

    Consistency is Key!

    As you use this gratitude journal prompts, initially it will be hard to practice gratitude daily. I encourage you to keep practising until it becomes a habit. If you do not have a journal notebook, you can use apps such as Presently or the notes apps on your phone.

    Which of these prompts did you need the most today? Let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to share!

    gratitude journal prompt ideas
    Rachael Ebuh
    Rachael Ebuh

    Rachael Ebuh otherwise known as #pinchofchel is a Food and Lifestyle blogger. Passionate about food, spirituality, wild life conservation and human connection.

    Find me on: Web | Twitter | Instagram

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    1 Comment

    1. Lilybabe
      July 11, 2020 / 7:35 am

      I always say I’m a work in progress… I’m grateful for everything that I am. Thank you for this post Rachel

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