Welcome to the second quarter of the year. The first quarter has been hectic and a lot of our plans has been changed. Most of us must have experienced several down moments in the last months which has affected how we see ourselves. Starting from this month of July, we are going to speak daily positive affirmations for self love into our lives- we will take it one day at a time till we have built up our confidence and self-love.
How Do Affirmations Promote Self Love?
Positive Affirmations are the bedrock of self-love. In fact, positive affirmations are one of the first steps advised to use when you want to start their journey to self-love. There is a theory that when you continuously speak good things over your life, you will eventually start believing it- even if you didn’t believe at first. Repeating uplifting words of affirmations to ourselves has become a practice all throughout social media and among some of our favourite celebrities.

I have dabbled into practising affirmations for self love for a few years and the pay-off has been incredible. This is a concept I learnt from my all-time favourite Television Show, Being Mary Jane. Speaking positivity over myself every morning has done plenty for my confidence and self-esteem.
The art of proclaiming affirmations for self-love practice is easy – just use it daily. When used consistently, affirmations for self love have been known to boost self-esteem and improve self-confidence.

Powerful Affirmations For Self Love To Say When Dealing With Low Self Esteem and Confidence.
Below are 80 self affirmations for self love, that we have compiled to equip you with the bravery to start your self-love journey.
- Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. – Lucille Ball
- But I will wait upon the Lord which shall renew my strength. I will mount up with wings like eagles; I shall run and not be weary, and I shall walk and not faint. – Isaiah 40:31
- Like the morning sun, I too shall rise and continue to shine.
- I have everything I need within myself.
- I am a kindhearted person who gains honour, but ruthless people will gain only wealth.- Proverbs 11:16
- I love the person that I am. I am more than a body.
- I am not my mistakes.
- I am deserving of happiness, love, peace, freedom, money and anything else I desire.
- My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.
- And my God will supply all my needs according to His glory in Christ Jesus. – Philippians 4:19
- Even though I don’t feel worthy right now, I know deep down that I am worthy of love, forgiveness and healing.
- Nothing stands in the way of my self-love. I choose self-love now.
- I choose to stop apologizing for being me.
- I am fully convinced that God is able to do whatever He promises. – Romans 4:21
- My imperfections make me unique and special.
- I love my body and all she does for me.
- I don’t have to be anyone but myself.
- Thy Kingdom comes, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in Heaven. – Matthew 6:10
- I do not need to be fixed.
- There is a great reason this is unfolding before me now.
- I am a diamond already. It’s time to shine.
- I have no right to compare myself to anyone for I do not know their whole story.
- My body is beautiful and expresses my spirit.
- I compare myself only to my highest self.
- I am more than good enough and I get better every day.
- I am deeply fulfilled with who I am.
- I am loved at all times of the day and night.
- I can be both sensitive and strong.
- I am a work of art, cherished and admired.
- I choose to see the light that I am to this world.
- My decisions are thoughtful, wise and good.
- But without faith, it is impossible to please Him. For I cometh to God, so I know that He exists and He is a rewarder of me who diligently seeks him. -Hebrews 11:6
- I am well-grounded, full of peace, and centered in life.
- Your life is about to be incredible. – Tim Storey
- Never stop trying. Never stop believing. Never give up. My day will come.
- I give up the habit of criticising myself.
- I adopt the mindset to praise myself.
- If you really think small, your world will be small. If you think big, your world will be big.- Paulo Coelho
- Your perspective is unique. It’s important and it counts. – Glenn Close
- I see myself as a gift to my people and community and nation.
- I am unforgettable, unique and outstanding.
- What I think of my self is much more important than what people think of me.
- Every step I take is filled with confidence and courage.
- I radiate confidence, self-respect and inner harmony.
- The temptations in my life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than I can stand. When I am tempted, He will show me a way out so that I can endure- 1 Corinthians 10:13
- When I look in the mirror, I see an amazing and beautiful person and I smile.
- The only courage you ever need is the courage to fulfil the dreams of your own life. – Oprah Winfrey
- I wake up every day with plenty of love in my heart.
- I am the greatest. I said that even before I knew I was. – Muhammad Ali
- I see problems as opportunities to learn and grow.
- I am becoming the best version of myself with every passing day.
- I respect my limitations and thank myself for the things I am able to accomplish.
- Nothing can dim the light that shines from within.- Maya Angelou
- When I love and respect myself, I can love and respect others more freely.
- Within myself, I have everything I need.
- We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.- Martin Luther King Jr.
- I am choosing and not waiting to be chosen.
- I am pure potentiality. My thoughts create my reality.
- It is safe to show up and be seen.
- I don’t just pretend to love others. I really love them. I hate what is wrong. I hold tightly to what is good.- Romans 12:9
- Who you are inside is what helps you make and do everything in life.- Fred Rogers
- I am worthy of love and attention.
- I love being unapologetically me.
- Love who you are, embrace who you are. Love yourself. When you love yourself, people can kind of pick up on that: they can see confidence, they can see self-esteem, and naturally, people gravitate towards you. – Lilly Singh
- I can do everything that I choose.
- I am deliberate and afraid of nothing. – Audre Lorde
- I am beautiful inside and out.
- Your life is already a miracle of chance waiting for you to shape its destiny- Toni Morrison
- I am love. I am purpose. I was made with divine intention.
- I believe in myself.
- Embrace the glorious mess that you are.- Elizabeth Gilbert
- Life does not have to be perfect to be great.
- We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already. – J.K. Rowling
- I fully approve of who I am, even as I get better.
- Has He not commanded me? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed for the Lord my God is with me wherever I go.- Joshua 1:9
- Am I good enough? Yes, I am. – Michelle Obama
- I am happy in my own skin and in my own circumstances.
- Nothing is impossible. The word itself says ‘I’m possible!’. – Audrey Hepburn
- I see the perfection in all my flaws and all my genius.
- You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection – Buddha
How are you practicing self-love?
As you try out these affirmations for self love, let us know in the comments below. Don’t forget to share these affirmations for self love with your friends and loved ones!