Adulting is hard, you can never be 100% prepared enough for it but you can be 99%. On Gift Collins Blog, we share Career,finance and Personal development tips, stories and more. We want each and everyone of our reader to be well equipped with ways to make more, save more and do more. Our goals for these categories is to have our readers create a retirement plan at 25 years or less, have more financial freedom and be a better version of themselves each day.

    How To Realize & Set Your Top Priorities in Life.

    2020 is the year I started freelancing and working remotely which has made me realize the essence of setting priorities in my life. The first time I heard about setting priorities for myself was when I missed a deadline for a job and I gave my supervisor a reason why I could not meet the set deadline. I heard it again during a heated argument with my sister, and it was at this second instance I really got to understand the meaning and the importance of setting priorities in life.

    7 Important Career Tips For Millennials Who Want To Excel

    This is one of the most highly requested posts on the blog. I have held back from writing it because I feel like I am not equipped with enough knowledge to give career tips for millennials, seeing as I consider myself a starter too. But since you all won’t stop asking, here’s me pushing aside impostor syndrome to share tips for building your career in your 20s

    10 Effective Self Care Tips for Women

    it is easy to get overwhelmed with work as a career woman that you do not make room for practising self-care. You should actively try to not allow the busy schedules at work to interfere with you having a me-time. Because when you neglect self-care, stress will build up and it will casually seep into your professional life, causing you to be less efficient and no career woman wants that.

    So here are 10 amazing self care tips/ideas that will help relieve stress and create a work-life balance.

    10 Dynamic Ways To Improve Self Discipline

    First thing you should know is that self-discipline is not a skill. It’s something you build and keep building until it becomes a part of you, and even then, you do not stop. Self-discipline deals largely with your ability to be in control, and reasoning even in the harshest conditions.
    Self-discipline involves you making difficult choices like; what you want for yourself and what you are willing to sacrifice but all for the greater good- your own greater good!
    The following tips would help you to improve on your self-discipline. Let’s get down to it.

    Working From Home Tips: How To Effectively Manage Time

    We know for a fact that most companies and institutions now work from home due to the global pandemic. A rough estimate should put it at three months because some companies took the work from home action quite early. You finally have the freedom to play around with your activities! And what better way to achieve this than to manage your time? Now you have the freedom to give ample spacing between your daily activities. You’re your own boss with timing! Can I hear an amen? Well then, let’s not waste anymore time. Here’s some few working from home tips that will help you greatly with time management.

    25 Short Inspirational Quotes for When Life Gets Tough

    Laughter is very calming and would help you forget for a moment how much of a tough situation you are in. Applying laughter in challenging times would bring light and life to each situation, even if for a moment.

    30 Unique Quotes for Becoming Your Best Self

    You can find it everywhere in my house. On my wall. The fridge. My work table. Everywhere. They have played a vital role in inspiring and motivating me to become my best self. I am curating 30 of my best unique quotes that are special in their own way and also really helpful.

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