5 ways to stay mentally healthy
To be honest, I don’t know how to start this post again. I had already written this post out before I had a few issues with my blog and the draft got missing. Gosh, I almost lost it! But then I said to myself, this is more reason why you have to rewrite this post. You have to show yourself and others how to protect one’s sanity. So, dear readers, I present to you my tried and trusted steps on how to protect your sanity.
In a world such as the one we live in, life can be a hassle. What’s with all the stress, heart aches, financial constraints, etc. I know how difficult it can be to move out of a bad place mentally. Trust me I have been there and done that. I know the importance of good health and while most people think good health is all about being healthy physically, most people forget about being healthy mentally.
Hence, I have decided to dabble into the world of mental health and share a few tips in celebration of mental health awareness month and I hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoyed writing it. Most especially, I hope you learn to protect your sanity and stay true to guiding your peace and sanity, always!.
Too cliché? I thought so too. Yet as simple and obvious as that sounds, most people fail to take a break. The best way to get over something most times is to let go. Because it gives you time to meditate and see things from another perspective. The very first way on how to protect your sanity is to take a break from whatever is stressing you out or causing you pain. If you don’t, it will eventually weigh you down until you lose it. Take for example, as a blogger, sometimes I feel overwhelmed, inferior and even experience writer block. I can either choose to take a break, rejuvenate and return better or choose to keep fighting on until I hit point zero. If you still don’t get the picture, imagine you are carrying a hefty box that’s totally weighing you down, you can either make stops on your way to catch your breath or you can go all the way without taking a break and end up panting and gasping for air. [bctt tweet=”unlike what most people think, Taking a break from your troubles doesn’t connote weakness, rather it means you value your well-being.” username=”gyifted”]
I can’t even begin to describe how important it is for one to declutter his/her mind, physical and digital space. Now I never considered decluttering to be therapeutic until I read Marie Kondo’s book and put into practice her decluttering tips. It’s amazing how we humans can hoard things that aren’t beneficial to our lives.
Decluttering is a great way to protect your sanity. Too much cluster can make you feel choked and restless in your own space. If so, you need to read how to declutter and breathe to find Marie Kondo’s decluttering tips put into practice.
[bctt tweet=”When decluttering to protect one’s sanity, it’s best you start from the inner; your mind. Let go of hurts, pain, negativity and embrace a positive attitude towards everything. ” username=”gyifted”]Next, declutter your physical space and finally your digital space, clear out irrelevant mails, take down photos of anything that affects you negatively and just leave your space clean and clutter free.INDULGE IN SELF-CARE
This is my favourite way of protecting my sanity and the reason why it’s my favourite is so obvious. I love me so much and an opportunity to indulge in a little vanity without feeling guilty for splurging or lazying around is heavenly.

- Take long showers: I love to take long showers when I’m mentally stressed. Long showers accompanied by singing are really soothing ( please tell me I am not the only one who sings while bathing)
- Visit the salon: Get your hair and nails done. One way to stay positive is to look the part. So do the needful and look good.
- Eat a good meal: If you are a foodie like I am, this is definitely for you!
- Try out Yoga
- listen to good music
- Splurge on something you have been longing for. This isn’t compulsory but it’s an avenue to get something you have been crushing on. You will feel happy afterwards.
Go out to dinner with friends or stay indoors and indulge in something that’s fun and relaxing Eg If you are a movie lover, watch a movie. If you find singing and praying to be relaxing like I do, this won’t be a bad time to do that as well. You can find other ways to unplug and have a great day, here.
If you followed the aforementioned steps, you’ll definitely be in a better place mentally and now it’s time to move on and take back your life. So plan your actions carefully and come up with a come back plan. If you suffered from a heart break, this will be a good time to think of signs you ignored in your previous relationship or mistakes you made and work on yourself to be a better person and not make same mistakes in your next relationship. If you were in a bad place mentally because of your finances, this step is for you to look back on terrible financial decisions you made and work on cultivating a saving culture. You can read the smart money woman by Arese Ugwu to learn how to manage your finances better.
It’s difficult to not fall into a bad phase mentally but if you follow these tips on how to protect your sanity whenever it feels like you are about to fall into a bad place mentally, you can curtail it quickly before it results into depression.
Some Bible verses to read when you feel down and depressed.
1 Peter 5:17
Proverbs 3:5-6
Philippians 4: 13-19
Psalm 40:1-3
Psalm 34:18-19
Isaiah 40: 31
John 3:16
What do you do whenever you fall into a bad place mentally? Do you let it envelop you or do you fight back and protect your sanity?.
Thanks for this post Gift, it came when I needed it. My mental health is very important to me and if something isn’t adding any value to me, I see simply let it go.
I’m in the that process of taking a break from everything that weighs me down, I’ve decluttered, I’ll continue doing so until I’m satisfied, right now I think I need a bit of self care and I’ll bounce back.
Praying, singing and relaxing works wonders for me too.
Another thing I do aside all these things you’ve listed is to go shopping. Shopping is so therapeutic for me and it makes me feel better. So is eating and taking a break.
Decluttering sure does help. Infact, even if one doesn’t declutter successful, the “activity” of decluttering itself is so relieving. Channeling your mental energy to getting creative ideas for organizing and rearranging!
Idle head
I totally agree with this Oluchi. A lot of people undermine the power of a clean and less rowdy space.