2020 is the year I started freelancing and working remotely which has made me realize the essence of setting priorities in my life. The first time I heard about setting priorities for myself was when I missed a deadline for a job and I gave my supervisor a reason why I could not meet the set deadline. I heard it again during a heated argument with my sister, and it was at this second instance I really got to understand the meaning and the importance of setting priorities in life.

So What Does it mean to set priorities in life?
Priorities refer to the action of deciding what needs the most attention, while still acknowledging that other goals and needs you have are still important too, just not important at the moment.
To succeed today, you have to set priorities in life, decide what you stand for
Lee Lacocca
When it comes to setting priorities in life, ask yourself “Will this matter a few days from now?”,“What is the point of this?” or “Is this so important that it must be handled now?”. Asking yourself these questions will clearly help you analyse logic and enable you proceed to make a good decision.
Not everything is worth fighting for. Prioritize the most important and act on it.
Rachael Ebuh
I read an article years back where Michelle Obama talked about the importance of putting yourself first and how we as women get so busy caring for everyone else that we put our priorities low on the list. Let’s no even delve into self-care as women, because most don’t.
One of the things that I want to model for my girls is investing in themselves as much as they invest in others
Michelle Obama
And she is absolutely right! You need to make yourself a priority first when making decisions. Always look for ways to invest and take better care of yourself. Because if you do not, nobody else is going to do it for you.
Examples of Priorities in life you should set.
After realizing the world of good setting priorities in life can do for you, the next time is to fish out the areas in your life where you need to set priorities.
Here are some examples.
- Career
- Family
- Relationships
- Fitness
- Friendships
- Self-Care
- Charity
- Personal Development
- Finances
- Hobbies
Breaking your priorities down into each of the life category mentioned above, helps you have a clear and concise view. It’s just like setting goals, you have to ensure your goals are S.M.A.R.T. Although goals and priorities are very different from each other, they still share similarities.
Tips For Setting Top Priorities in Life

So, you’ve decided it’s time to set your priorities in life but somehow you can’t seem to get a hang of it. Here are some tips that I have learned that will help you put yourself on top of your priority list.
Remember, you can not be useful and of value, to anyone else, if you have nothing to offer and are burnt out.
How To Priortize Your Life
First off, grab a pen and book, then list out the major areas in your life where you need to set priorities. It can be;
- Life
- Business e.t.c
Once you’ve completed that task, It’s time to move on to the next step.
- Work on Yourself Daily. You need to revisit the goals and aspirations you made for your life and make necessary adjustments. Read books, listen to podcasts, recite affirmations, journal. Surround yourself with positive words, and energy that will help you grow as an individual.
- Visualize Your Future. You can not start prioritizing your life if you do not have a plan or dream for your future.The key to living the life you want is to actually envision how your life will look in the future. Not only do you visualise it, you believe in your vision. I am a firm believer of if you think positive thoughts about your future, you will have a smooth path. You have to believe with everything in your being that your ideal life is possible. Simply visualize, believe and do the work to make your dream become your reality.
- Network. Networking is all about connecting with like-minded people and building a circle. If you want to grow, surround yourself with people that are as ambitious as you and will hold you accountable. Also, connect with people who are more successful than you and will push you to your greatness. Their success will inspire you to prioritize and map out an action plan that will lead to your own success.
- Take action. You can not spend the whole year prioritizing your goals and not take action. Of course, you know that is just plain lazy. Do not just be a planner, be a doer. Be intentional every day with taking steps to shift your life in the right direction.
- Set Boundaries. I am a boundaries advocate when it comes to making sure to my personal time. Being a freelancer tends to be worrisome because you do not know for certain when you will get a writing gig or how to monetize your work and at the end of the day depression sets in. That is self care and setting boundaries is essential. This could be getting away from my phone, reading, listening to podcast, etc. Literally, whatever works for you. It’s important to prioritize your mental health and have a voice when you feel that something or someone is draining you. I cannot stress this enough.
- Embrace The Silence. I do not know if it has anything to do with me being an introvert, but I yearn for quiet times when I can just be alone with my thoughts. When you embrace the silence, you get to think more and draft out what your next step in life should be.
- Have Your Weekends to Yourself. If possible, try not to work during the weekend. You need your weekends for yourself so you can work on your passion ( if you have one) outside of the work environment. The free weekends would also give you breaks so you do not end up burning out. There is a popular quote that goes, if you die because of work, your company will find a replacement the very next day. This is sad, but it is so true. Do not let your work get in the way of you following your passion in life.
- Schedule Social Activities. Adulting is hard and although this phase of life tends to pass by quickly if you are not careful you will end up with fewer friends than you started with. You may not get to hang out with friends and families as often as you would have loved. To get a grip, schedule hangouts with your loved ones because it will be harder to maintain relationships- both romantic and friendships.
- Keep Your Passion Alive. I always tell people to keep doing what you love regardless if you are tired. When you find what your passion is, make it a priority in your life and all other things should come after. Personally, what makes me happy is cooking food/ baking. Although I would like to own a food blog one day, I am happy with watching food channels and YouTube videos at the moment till I have the resources to do what I love. It is the little things such as reading other food blogs that help me keep my passion alive. I encourage you to do something you like to do at least once a week.
Inspiring quotes on setting priorities in life
- “In all planning, you make a list and you set priorities.” Alan Lakein
- “If it’s a priority you’ll find a way. If it isn’t, you’ll find an excuse.” Jim Rohn
- “When you have too many top priorities, you effectively have no top priorities.” Stephen Covey
- “Schedule your priorities.” Stephen Covey
- “Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.”
― Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - “Instead of saying “I don’t have time” try saying “it’s not a priority,” and see how that feels.” Laura Vanderkam
- “Life is short. Focus on what really matters most; you should change your priorities over time.”
― Roy T. Bennett - “Lack of time is actually lack of priorities” Timothy Ferris
- “Desires dictate our priorities in life, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions.”
― Dallin H. Oaks - “I do know that when I am 60, I should be attempting to achieve different personal goals than those which had priority at age 20.”
― Warren Buffett
Life is so busy as an adult, you have to consciously decide to consciously CHOOSE to set priorities in life! Keep fighting daily, it will get easier!
And don’t let people bully you when you say your priorities in life don’t involve them. Stay focused on what you are trying to achieve, the rest is noise – Gift Collins