Adulting is hard, you can never be 100% prepared enough for it but you can be 99%. On Gift Collins Blog, we share Career,finance and Personal development tips, stories and more. We want each and everyone of our reader to be well equipped with ways to make more, save more and do more. Our goals for these categories is to have our readers create a retirement plan at 25 years or less, have more financial freedom and be a better version of themselves each day.

    Best Tips for Shopping During Black Friday

    Black Friday, the most anticipated sales day of the year is almost here. The history of Black Friday is quite fascinating; its name was coined because of the large traffic and accidents caused by shoppers…

    The 5 Best Digital Planners for Bloggers

    Digital Planners are the digital version of a carefully thought out to-do list. They are identical to the traditional paperback planners bought from a stationery shop. However, instead of them being on paper, they are available on our smartphones and laptops.

    Become a Forex Trading Expert With IM Mastery Academy

    2020 is going in a way no one planned for. Since the advent of the pandemic early this year, we’ve all been confined to our homes. Everyone is observing minimal contact with the outside world…

    30 Daily Positive Affirmations for Work

    Positive affirmations for work can seem like an incredibly awkward idea especially if you have not tried them before. This self-help guide is one of my favourite ways to work through the stress normally gotten…

    8 Virtual Interview Tips to Having a Successful Interview

    The key to having a successful virtual interview relies on how you prepare for it beforehand.
    Here are eight virtual interview tips that will offer guidance on how to nail a virtual interview, and land your next job.

    10 Things I Wish I Knew About Investing in Yourself

    My first experience in self investment was during my NYSC year. I and several corpers participated in acquiring some certificates at a discounted rate for corpers so that we would have an edge in the…

    10 Tips On How To Stay Calm And Carry On During Trying Times

    Have you been in situations when you could proudly applaud yourself for being calm when ordinarily you should flip out? Did you regret it or wished you said your piece? The most important I have to say about how to stay calm and find joy in life is to ensure you think not only about the present but also the future. Whatever is robbing you of your peace, joy, stressing you out or making you sad, give it time and ask yourself if it’s worth it after all.

    30 Gratitude Journal Prompts For Every Girl

    Below are 30 gratitude journal prompts for every girl that is not sure on what to write or put in her journal. These prompts will help you on your self care journey.

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